Visual Artist
With the model's body as the medium, I try to debunk the conventional mask of "beauty" of women--"femininity" while giving women's bodies an artistic concept of thinking. More importantly, by showing the actualities of women's bodies and the beauty of "menstruation", the unique physiological characteristics to women, I try to break the social stereotypes in women's menstruation and criticize traditional culture's control on women's bodies and morality in a single tone.
The lunar cycle (the interval between two full moons) is about 29.5 days, while coincidentally the length of a female menstrual cycle is generally 28±7 days. I made a red moon with a projector, and the model was into the light and shadow. The red pigment is a metaphor for menstruation, and it flows freely on the body of the model, with a beautiful line formed. Women's true and unique beauty has become humanized and naturalized, and the visual beauty of women's bodies has been reshaped.